Estate and Financial Planning Options for Giving

Estate and Financial Planning Options for Giving
Planned Giving is a form of stewardship for the future. Planned giving
means making a charitable gift in a way that maximizes your tax and
estate planning, to perpetuate something of great value to you, and may
be the ultimate gift, both in size and finality.
Done properly planned giving benefits both you and society. Come and
attend one of our information sessions on the various ways an individual
can make a donation and benefit from the number of changes the
federal government has made in the form of tax incentives to
encourage charitable gifting rules.
Planned gifting can be a present gift the charity can use now, or, a
deferred gift that can only be used in the future….generally after your
death. If you are looking for a way to create an enduring legacy,
insurance and investment strategies can help. Choosing how to create
your legacy is a very personal decision. These education sessions will
give you alternatives that may only amplify your gift, but cost a lot less
than you would think.
Mimi Rogers
Associate Advisor, Rogers Financial Services
Book your appointment today in the privacy of your own